Well, after 15 minutes, I've managed to load this page. That leaves 5 more minutes to tell you guys everything that's happened in the past month, before I rush off to a meeting here in Dalaba to talk trash. No, really, we are talking about recycling, municipal trash collection, public trashcans, composting of organic waste, and cleaning up trash in public areas. It's really exciting. There's a company, based in Senegal, that's started making buckets, washtubs, and washboards in Conakry out of the millions of used plastic bags floating around the streets and sidewalks of town. They'll pay you 2,000 francs if you bring them a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of trash plastic-- sounds like big money, huh? It's only about 30 cents-- but still, considering how much plastic trash we all produce, recycling can be big business.
OK, quick highlights of the last month:
1. Makan gave me a ripe pineapple from his garden-- hurray!
2. I got the sixth graders to sing the alphabet song in English
3. I made a doll for Hassanatou out of scraps from the tailor's shop-- it survived 3 weeks before losing a limb! (I sewed it back on-- she's fond of using her doll as a weapon)
4. Boubacar from Telire has taught me all the consonants in the Arabic alphabet-- now we're working on adding vowels
5. I grafted mandarin buds onto orange rootstock this morning
6. I'm headed to Dubreka for two weeks to help with training the new group of Peace Corps volunteers
7. While I'm there, hopefully I'll get my very own internet key to work, and then.... I'll update this blog again!
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